Posts Tagged 'LOVE'

Good night Love

I recently felt inspired to give my guestroom / office a mini makeover. One of the first projects I tackled was the artwork. I created this canvas night light that I “LOVE”.. get it?! It’s one of my fave craft projects, because it looks great during the day and at night. It was incredibly easy and only took about an hour and a half from start to finish. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but of course I found it on Pinterest. Follow the original tutorial here  How to: Glittering Night Light.

First buy your canvas any size, mine was 24″ x 36″. Draw your design in pencil, I used the infamous “LOVE” shape for my design. You can free hand your design or print out a pre made shape and trace it onto the canvas. You could easily do a simple flower, animal silhoutte, etc.


Fill in your pre traced design with paint. This took about 2 coats of acrylic paint. I recommend letting each coat of paint dry for about 30 minutes, otherwise it gets goopy (do you like my very formal terminology). And you want it to be a smooth even coat.


Poke a hole in the canvas using a phillips head screwdriver. You can eyeball the placement of the holes, Or I drew them on about every half an inch with a pencil first. If you dont want to use a screwdriver, you can use an aull, but I didn’t have one so the screwdriver was the next best thing. I used a small pencil at first and gently pressed against the front of the canvas to make a small hole and then went back using the screwdriver  on the back side to create the larger holes. The screwdriver makes the perfect size for your christmas light bulbs to fit through. Now you have to make sure the light’s dont fall out. I used a small dab of hot glue on the back of the canvas on the outer rim of each hole, then lightly pressed the christmas bulb in place. Repeat this step for each hole. (Note: do this with the christmas lights off.. the picture is showing the placement only.. but you knew that already didn’t ya!)

NEXT: Plug in your lights and enjoy! Easy right?! I just hid the extra lights behind the dresser, but you could easily tuck them all into the back of the canvas leaving just enough cord to plug in. Hope you enjoyed my tutorial and I didn’t confuse you too much 🙂

Welcome, my name is alesha haley and this is my blog dedicated to some of the loves in my life. Thanks for stopping by!

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