Posts Tagged 'dining room'

And now for my love of Chevron…

On my 18th birthday David bought me a sewing machine.. which I had asked for.. and was absolutely elated that I got my dream gift!
Made with Love: Sewing Sunday

For the past 6 years I have “self-taught” myself to sew. Granted I can only sew a straight line and that is really only due to the fact that I spent hours on youtube trying to figure out how to thread the stinkin bobbin. WOW.. was that WAY more difficult than I thought it was going to be.. Have people never heard of zoom feature on their video camera’s.. “I can’t see how your threading your bobbin when its 5ft away from the camera” OMG I thought I was going to freak when I finally found a video with a simple tutorial and a zoomed -in feature.. Um YAY! small feat for me.. but It finally made using my sewing machine an actual option.. I no longer have to sew my pillows by hand (who would do that.. its takes SOOOO long.. & it doesnt look good.. ha did I just rat myself out?! needless to say my house is happier with my new fancy schmancy sewing skillllzz!!

Made with Love:Sewing Sundays

Until all my hopes & dreams came to a crashing hault TWO YEARS ago when I lost my bobbin case.. What’s a bobbin case you ask.. O the little -itty-bitty metal case which holds your thread to do the actual sewing. When I contacted the manufacturer “O we don’t make that model anymore.. UGH” So for two years my precious little sewing machine has sat in my craft closet, just taunting me.. I never thought I could actually find the mysterious bobbin case. Well a couple weeks ago I went online casually seeing if I could find a universal bobbin case… OMG I FOUND ONE! And guess what, it wasn’t a million dollars, a measly $4.99. Did I seriously waist countless craft projects on a $5 dollar bobbin case?! SOOOOOO I bought it and 2 days later my missing craft peice was in the mailbox.. “AAAAHHHH” let the craftin resume.. Can you tell I’m excited? Its the little things in life, right? My world felt complete, okay I’m a bit dramatic, but thats why you love me, right?! securedownload-1I bought this red chevron fabric from Hobby Lobby 6 months ago, thinking it was way too much but maybe I could use it for some scrap project. And then on a rainy Sunday I decided I needed a dining room makeover, you know, because thats a normal thought. I broke out my trusty dusty sewing machine and made a new table runner, placemats and some super cute pillows!

Okay so I bought a plain red table runner from Marshalls for $5.99. And added the chevron fabric to it. So Maybe it wasn’t from scratch but I LOVE it. It looks so cute in our dining room and it adds a special splash of something 🙂 securedownload-3securedownload-4securedownload-7

I may or may not have gone a little overboard and sewn 6.. okay maybe 8 pillows for our living room. But they look cute right?! I am now so excited that I can actually use my sewing machine and conquer my project list I’ve been putting off. 

Welcome, my name is alesha haley and this is my blog dedicated to some of the loves in my life. Thanks for stopping by!

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